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Infrared spectroscopy in the palm of your hand, enabling material analytics insights everywhere, anytime to everyone.

You will probably say that vision is your most important sense…

…even though you can only see a minor part of the available information.

What if materials, substances and physiological markers could be identified at the point of need by everyone – simply by looking at them?

Unlimited applications in fields such as healthcare, waste sorting, personal care, material analytics, skincare, agriculture, robotics and security arise…

Seeing the invisible

Optical spectroscopy is a powerful technique to determine the fingerprint of materials and substances.

However, existing spectroscopy techniques aren’t suitable for many people due to their size, cost, technical approach and the expertise needed to operate the unit and analyse the results. The industry has lacked small-size, low-cost, mass-manufacturable and broadband spectrometers to identify the infrared fingerprint of substances.

Breakthrough in miniaturised NIR-spectroscopy

We re-engineered the Michelson interferometer, the gold-standard in Fourier-transform-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and adapted it for the integration into MOEMS. This allows us to combine the benefits of precisely controllable mechanics on the nano-meter level with advanced data acquisition and processing, devising a spectrometer with ultra-small footprint that is suitable for low-cost, high-volume manufacturing without compromising on performance.

Technical benefits:

The potential of PhovIR’s technology

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